UserTesting Plans

Platform Plans             Service Plans

Platform Plans

Get insights on customer experiences

UserTesting has flexible and transparent pricing to meet the unique needs of your business

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Platform plans

Test Launch Journey Select an audience

Each plan includes: 

  • Filters to target different types of audiences

  • Real user feedback on prototypes, websites, and apps

  • Templates for testing new designs, key messages, messaging, and creative ideas

  • Options to test on desktop, tablet, or mobile device testing

  • Detailed results from video feedback with supporting metrics



$149 / session

25% off $199 / session
(Min. purchase of 10 sessions)

Everything you need to start collecting actionable customer feedback on digital experiences



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More advanced capabilities for gathering and managing customer feedback insights across a team



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demo and quote 

Our most comprehensive solution for audience targeting, feedback analysis, and security

UserTesting is an essential part of our UX toolset. The experience with the platform has been outstanding so far. The tester base is huge, the turnaround times are great and the AI-powered analytics and transcripts save us tons of time when doing video analysis.
UX Designer in the Education industry
We have been able to build business cases using UserTesting data to support them, tested wireframes and prototypes for A/B tests, and driven forward projects and initiatives using the platform.
UX/UI Designer in the Retail industry
It streamlines our work in a significant way. Hard to imagine doing evaluative UX research without it - especially when supporting as a researcher multiple product teams each quarter and testing products on different markets.
Sr. UX Researcher in the Travel and Hospitality
A user-friendly tool with quick results, easily analyzed through AI.
Product Manager in Retail industry
It gives us the ability to quickly set up moderated or unmoderated usability tests, tree tests and card sorts. The prebuilt task groups save time, and the results usually arrive in less than a day.
Lead Strategist in the Services industry
Very easy way to quickly source user research participants. Huge number of filters and infinite number of possible screener questions. Saves me hours of work every day. Customer support is helpful and prompt.
Principal UX Researcher in the Healthcare and BioTech industry
Collaboration on a project or report presentation for customer insights and feedback

Outsource your next customer insights project

Are you strapped for resources to gather customer feedback? Do you lack the expertise to analyze the results effectively? Our team of experts can help! Check out our new off-the-shelf studies to receive customer insights from your target audience in 2 weeks.

UserZoom plans

UserZoom empowers your team with sophisticated UX insights to create digital experiences that delight customers and drive business growth.

Plans hero image - french

EnjoyHQ plans

All your research and insights in one place. EnjoyHQ enables teams to centralize and share insights from customer research to amplify the value and impact across their organization.

Illustration depicting the UX design research process with interconnected elements

Frequently asked questions


Forrester: UserTesting delivers a 665% ROI over three years

A recent Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) Study, conducted by Forrester on behalf of UserTesting, illustrates how organizations using the UserTesting Human Insight Platform can realize $2.03M in value and 665% in ROI over a three-year period.