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What is patient experience?

While it’s not hard to imagine what patient experience means, keeping the focus on...

What is digital transformation and why it matters

In 2011, Capgemini and MIT defined digital transformation as the use of technology to...

What is customer journey mapping?

​ Customer journey mapping serves as a critical exercise for teams dedicated to improving...

Person waving hello to someone on a zoom call

Unmoderated focus groups

​ Have you ever wondered what customers say about your brand behind closed doors...

What are customer exposure hours?

What are customer exposure hours?

​Customer exposure hours are the number of hours a team spends observing customers interacting...

Voice of customer: Why it's important to listen

​ The well-known slogan, “the customer is always right,” has echoed through organizations since...

UX testing methods

What are the different types of usability testing methods? You know when to do...

UX testing examples

Consider UX Testing with these examples One of the best ways to get a...

UX research tools

The product design process The most popular framework or process for product design is...