A look back at 2021 for the UserTesting Human Insight Platform

Posted on December 22, 2021
4 min read


From new ways to build and launch tests to improvements designed to help you understand and find key insights from your audiences, here’s how we worked to make the UserTesting Human Insight Platform better for our community of customers and users in 2021.

Looking back at 2021, it was another year that required agility and flexibility for anyone designing and building products for their customers. We were impressed by what we saw from you, our customers, as you continued to adapt and innovate the way that you gathered and built products and services based on real human insights. Whether it was uncovering key insights, validating concepts, or building and iterating based on real feedback from real users, you continued to push our platform forward generating over a million Customer Experience Narratives (CxNs) run on our platform representing tens of millions of minutes of video. 

Inspired by you, here are some of the ways that we continued to innovate our platform in 2021:

  • New test types and simplified experience for launching tests
  • Innovations that improve speed and quality of insights
  • Features that enable more teams to gather more targeted feedback
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If you can dream it, you can test it with new test types and features

We make it possible for you to gather perspectives on any experience, including web and mobile experiences, concepts and prototypes, or even real-world experiences like unboxing or curbside pickup experiences. 

In 2021, we shared new enhancements designed to make it easier to test across any experience. We shared improvements to the experience of previewing mobile tests and testing mobile iOS app experiences through TestFlight. And we introduced our new Qualtrics integration, making it possible to bring customer sentiment data and human insight together, so you understand the ‘why’ behind customer feedback and make more informed customer decisions.

We also launched new options for gathering feedback to help you organize information on your digital properties with card sorting and tree testing. Additionally, we shared prioritization matrix, a new test type designed to help you gather feedback on feature prioritization.

Finally, we announced short test, a way to capture short-form video responses from your target audience, perfect for when you have a few targeted questions or for when you want to capture perspectives from a greater number of users. 

We felt the need, the need for speed…to insights

One thing that we hear all the time from our customers is the constant pressure to keep up with a seemingly ever-accelerating environment. The speed at which new products and experiences can be developed and the pace of competition has never been more rapid. This means that teams capturing customer perspectives and building experiences had been forced to keep up as well. 

In 2021, we continued to focus on new ways for you to uncover key insights, faster. For us, this meant combining the incredible amount of data being generated on our platform with custom-built machine-learning and artificial intelligence models to help you understand the feedback and identify key moments quickly. 

With smart tags, a new capability launched earlier this year, we now surface key moments of insight, such as suggestions, expectations, and expressions of sentiment, like confusion or delight, directly within the video player, transcript, or written response.

With new features like click mapssentiment path, and intent path, we now automatically surface critical information about sentiment and intent with interactive visualizations that guide you to the key moments. And with instant insight, we can take it a step further by automatically summarizing key trends across a series of Customer Experience Narratives. For each of these features, you can easily drill down into key moments to watch, listen, and understand perspectives in the videos. 

Features that help share human insights more broadly in your organization

In 2021, we continued to focus on new ways for you to spread the impact of your work across your organizations. For many, this meant a focus on sharing insights more broadly, while for others, it meant giving more users access to the platform—so they could capture real human perspectives as well. 

In 2021, we introduced the template gallery which gives you access to over 75+ unique use case templates which you can use as-is or as inspiration for your own test plans. You can also build and save templates—built to your exact specifications—and share those broadly across your organization. Additionally, with the launch of approval flow, we made it possible for organizations to review and approve tests written by team members. 

We also introduced our new flex pricing model in 2021, making it easier for new users to get started on the platform by providing greater flexibility for organizations to scale to new teams and users. Combined, these new features and pricing model unlock new use cases to make it easier for your team—whether you’re new to testing or an experienced team looking to empower others—with the tools to manage and scale your programs. 

Here’s to a great 2022!

As we leave 2021 in the rear-view mirror and look ahead to 2022, we couldn’t be more excited to be on this journey with you. Thank you for pushing our platform forward and for being part of this amazing community. To learn more about all our 2021 product updates, please check out the hub on our Knowledgebase for our market releases.

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