A new look for UserTesting: A brand and design system that connect

Posted on March 13, 2018
2 min read


You may have noticed some changes to UserTesting recently. We’re excited to have made a number of updates not only to our website but also to the UserTesting platform (which we rolled out a few weeks ago). We’re thrilled to see all the positive feedback coming in and knowing that we’re adding value for our customers.

While the changes went live with the push of a button (or push of code in this case), they’re actually the culmination of over 12 months of hard work on behalf of several teams here at UserTesting.

Why change?

First and foremost, we wanted to ensure positive experiences at every turn for all of our customers, partners, and other members of the UserTesting community. From looking at our website to creating a study within our platform to reviewing the responses in our video player, we wanted to ensure that customers get a consistent experience that is easy to understand and use.

Internally, we wanted to enable all of our teams to take an idea and quickly go from prototype to working product. We realized early on that there was a duplication of effort which impeded our ability to get things done, quickly and consistently. Though potentially small at the beginning, these subtle deviations can snowball and cause even more problems and lost effort over the span of time.

A brand and design system that connect

Human insight is the net gain for our customers within the product experience. Every note, every clip, every highlight reel is an insight that's gained from real, human participants. These human insights are enabled by the product which connects customers with real participants. The elements of the product that enable this functionality are now built within the guardrails of our design system.

Our teams came together to establish a single visual language that encompasses both our Brand System and our Design System. It’s a framework of code, visual components, and brand elements that span every customer touchpoint to help create a cohesive experience. We named this framework Connect, a name that points to the core function powering our platform: human connection.

The things that you can see, like the changes in the color palette or new icons and visuals, are the culmination of who we are and what we want UserTesting to be as we continue to grow, evolve, and serve the needs of our customers.

Updated video player

Updates to the look and feel when creating studies

Updates to our website


A major accomplishment, but it’s just the start

These recent changes were a successful effort for UserTesting. They represent a strong cross-functional collaboration resulting in improvements that will support our customers and the UserTesting community at large. It also demonstrates an evolution of the UserTesting brand as we surpass our 10th year of helping companies of all sizes get the human insights they need to create better products and experiences.

We’ll continue to make updates and as we do, we’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Let us know what you think.

Want to learn more?

If you’d like to learn more about how UserTesting can help you understand your customers through real-time human insights, contact us at support@usertesting.com.

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