15 resources to boost your relevance and productivity during COVID-19

Posted on June 5, 2020
2 min read


In just about every corner of the internet is a headline that tells you what you need to know about (and how you should react to) the pandemic. To help you wade through the flood of information, we've curated our top 15 resources to help you stay productive—and relevant—amidst constant change.

Let’s jump right in.

Resources for understanding consumers during COVID-19

When people are faced with uncertainty, the natural response is to gather information that helps them develop answers and find solutions to their problems. Undoubtedly, that’s easier said than done. Check out these resources that help you understand consumer sentiments around COVID-19 and collect some of your own.

Webinar: New consumer insights amidst COVID-19

Check out this on-demand webinar for key takeaways from our COVID-19 research and how using both qualitative and quantitative methods we were able to quickly get deep insights into customer trends.

You’ll learn:

  • The impact of the virus on people’s lives and attitudes
  • What’s happening to their daily activities and purchasing patterns
  • What issues worry people most, and what frustrates them
  • What messages resonate best with consumers during the crisis, and how you can apply that to your company’s communication strategies

If you prefer, you can read our blog, Public attitudes, behaviors, and reactions across the US to COVID-19, for similar insights.

Blog: 44 industry-focused test templates to connect with customers during COVID-19

To better understand how consumers are adapting to the impact of COVID-19, we developed 44 test templates that serve different industries like retail and grocery, travel and hospitality, restaurants and foodservice, and banking and financial services—even some for general business studies. Check them out for inspiration to collect insights for your industry.

Blog: 3 COVID-19 test templates to help you stay connected with customers

Your customers are adapting their behaviors to the current environment. Get a better understanding of their needs and check out our fully-customizable test templates that help you capture: 

  • How Coronavirus/COVID-19 has impacted a specific behavior
  • People’s reactions and perceptions of how an organization is responding to Coronavirus/COVID-19
  • People’s reactions and perceptions of an organization’s advertisements or commercial messaging

Resources for collecting customer feedback remotely

The customer experience is always evolving. Sometimes predictably, and sometimes—like right now—less predictably. In order to truly understand the needs of your customers, it’s imperative that you remain in touch with them, even when you can’t do it in person.

Leverage these four resources to help you keep your customers front and center:

Human Insight Trends (HITs): COVID-19 study series

Since the pandemic, we developed an ongoing series in which we share human insight trends (HITs) that we uncover from studies conducted by the UserTesting team. We hope you find these insights interesting and that they inspire you to conduct similar studies of your own!

COVID-19 Human Insight Portal

And just in case you misplace this blog, be sure to bookmark our COVID-19 Human Insight Portal which captures all the Information and insights you need to adapt and stay connected with your customers—now and in the future.

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