Press Release


Crowdsourced Usability Testing Leader Reaches 15,000 Customers, including Home Depot, Sears, and Zappos

CHICAGO, June 5, 2013 – With mobile commerce revenues surging and driving billions of dollars in sales, more large enterprises are focusing their attention on optimizing their web, mobile and tablet properties. Today, enterprises need a usability testing solution that can keep up with the demands of web and mobile app development, specifically its agile process and frequent iterations. With access to over one million testers, UserTesting now offers usability testing designed for large enterprises, complete with advanced targeting, expanded recruiting, live intercepts, moderated testing, quantitative metrics, and research and reporting services. made the announcement from The Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (Booth #473) in Chicago, where CEO of UserTesting, Darrell Benatar, will be delivering a joint presentation with StubHub’s UX Research Manager, Christine Young: Right Under Your Nose – The Obvious Design Fixes You May Be Missing.

“According to eMarketer, mobile sales reached $25 billion in 2012,” said CEO of UserTesting, Darrell Benatar. “As shoppers continue to choose their smartphones and tablets to make purchases, enterprises recognize the need to validate their messaging, content, design, navigation, and buying process with people from their target audience. With UserTesting’s Enterprise Platform, our Research team will do the work so it’s even easier for larger companies to reach their goals of improved conversion, retention, and profitability.”

Enterprise Platform Features

  1. Advanced Targeting – With sophisticated demographic filters and customizable screeners, UserTesting offers enterprises direct user feedback from their exact target market.
  2. Expanded Recruiting – With access to over one million participants, enterprises can expand the reach of their recruiting. In addition, enterprises can recruit their own customers, or recruit visitors directly from their websites with live, moderated intercepts.
  3. Moderated Testing – To ensure enterprises can effectively interact with their target market, UserTesting connects them live with participants through remote moderated usability testing, remote focus groups, or 1-on-1 market research. UserTesting even has expert moderators available on demand.
  4. Research and Reporting Services – To ensure enterprises can offload their most time-consuming work, a dedicated UserTesting account manager delivers a distilled, actionable report of insights with a highlight reel and bookmarked key findings in user videos. can also plan, write, and administer custom usability studies.
  5. Quantitative Metrics – In addition to its robust qualitative user feedback, UserTesting now offers quantitative data, comparative charts, and reports to drive key business decisions.

“With UserTesting’s Enterprise Platform, we can make big changes quickly, virtually eliminating the need for expensive and onerous formal studies,” said VP of Product at Evernote, Philip Constantinou. “We can also set up tests whenever we want at a fraction of the cost. On a slow Friday night, I have been able to push a build to UserTesting and receive quality tester videos in 20 minutes!”

“UserTesting’s Enterprise Platform is one of the surefire ways to identify problems in your customers’ experience and identify ways to improve your conversion rates,” said Online Marketing Authority, Bryan Eisenberg. “When you get fast feedback from your exact target market you can find out WHY people are leaving your site without buying – and then you can fix it.”

Media Contact

UserTesting, Inc.
Andy Dear 

About UserTesting

UserTesting is fundamentally changing the way digital products and experiences are built and delivered by helping organizations get insights from customers–from concept to execution. Built on top of a world-class, on-demand sourcing