
Travel & hospitality

WestJet + UserTesting

Discover how WestJet uses conversations with customers to make air travel safer and more convenient

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  • #1
    Best Airline in Canada three years running
  • Easier storytelling internally = faster decisions
  • 144%
    Increase in tests per year
UserTesting gives us confidence that what we’re launching is going to land well and meet users’ needs and expectations.
Lexie Lawrence, UX Researcher, WestJet
Lexie Lawrence UX Researcher, WestJet
  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
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  • Man sitting on a couch with his suitcase in an airline lounge looking at his phone
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  • Customer Story Teaser Images. Images are used in the cards on the Customer Story Listing Page.
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  • Teaser Images for Customer Stories. These teaser images are used for the Customer Story cards on the Customer Stories Listing page.
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